Lauren Kofalt

Jun 1, 2021



It’s our month to stand
You should be proud
Gather hand and hand
And shout it out loud
I love who I am
Because I am me
I don’t give a damn
If you disagree

Pride 2

Gender and sexuality
Neither matter to me
If you are kind, that’s a lot
Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not
You’re beautiful all around
Don’t let mean words get you down
Be proud of who you are
Because to me, you’re a shining star


Everyone deserves love, even you
Spread it to everyone and be true
We all live our own lives
It can be hard to think of others sometimes
Don’t let that drain your cup
We could all use a little pick me up
Let love flow left and right
You just might make someone’s whole night

Lauren is a regular contributor for The Universal Asian. To learn more about her, check out her Contributor’s Page here.